Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Founding of America

If we are to be freed from the Marxist anti-Judeo-Christian, anti-American rhetoric which is infecting our society and our minds, we must be educated about the real history of the founding of our nation. In the official Marxist version of history, we are taught that the Red Indians were the indigenous people of this land and that our ancestors were invaders who came from Europe to colonize this land and allegedly "exterminated" the Red Indians. This is all fiction designed to make Americans hate their heritage and kiss the ass of America's enemies.

The truth is, most Americans are descended from the indigenous White people of the Americans; the Solutreans. The Solutreans are the descendants of a prehistoric people who sailed across the Atlantic and populated the Americas, but mostly settled in North America. The Red Indians were an Asiatic people who crossed the Bering Strait and settled in North America, however, this was not until after the Solutrean population has already been established. For a time, the Solutreans lived in peace and their civilization was among the most advanced of its time. But as the Red Indian population increased, they became increasingly hostile towards the White Solutreans.

The Red Indians eventually invaded much of what is modern day Canada. In 1,256 B.C., in order to defend their civilization against these threats, the Solutrean states united, forming the Solutrean Republic of America. For a time, the Solutreans continued to defend their thriving civilization against these threats. However, around 770 CE, the Red Indians, aided by their aliies, the Mongols and the South American Indians, launched a massive war against the Solutrean Republic, and by 1000 CE brought the continent under their dominion. The freedom and prosperity established on the continent by the White Solutreans was no more.

Many Solutreans began migrating to Europe to escape persecution. The Solutrean populations in Europe were largely located in Great Britain and France. However, the Solutrean resistance in America continued and the Red Indian persecution of the Solutreans intensified. A genocide was carried out against the indigeous Solutreans. By the 1500s, the Solutrean populations had been limited to the east coast and parts of the midwest. But the Solutreans in Europe had started a movement which sought to re-establish the Solutrean homeland in America(this can be compared to the Jewish Zionist movement in Europe in the 1900s). By this time, the Red Indians had developed close ties with the Ottomans, so the Europeans saw them as a threat and allied themselves with the Solutrean resistance. The Europeans sent their armies into America and by the 1600s, the Europeans took control of the continent.

The regions where Solutreans

Friday, March 11, 2011

The truth about Barack Hussein Obama

As most Americans know, forces which are bent on destroying the American way have always been on the rise and have always been influencing our leaders and our society. In fact, many of our presidents have been the puppets of anti-American forces. We had Abraham Lincoln, who was a puppet of the Black Supremacists who sought to increase the power and influence of Blacks in the south and we had John F. Kennedy, who was a communist. Those are just two examples. However, none of them were as great of enemies to the U.S. as Barack Hussein Obama. Obama is not an American who is under the influence of the enemy, he IS the enemy. The media has kept most Americans unaware of this, but he is in fact a Saudi agent and he was sent here by his Islamist masters to on a mission to win the trust of the American people and become our president and destroy us from the inside out. He is a vile being who, like most Islamists, is filled with envy of everything that we White Americans have built for ourselves. Did you know that he is already partitioning part of the United States to be given back to the Red Indians? Yes, the Red Indians who are the descendants of those who invaded our people back in the 13th century and were defeated in the17th century and still wish to bring us under their dominion. Don't believe me? Well read for yourseves...


And here's more proof of Obama's true allegiance. Many people do not know this, but the song "Whoomp there is is" by Tag Team is an infamous Black Nationalist anthem. During a 1994 episode of the Donahue show where the Black Supremacist Khaled Abdul Muhammad was brought on, his supporters began chanting it at one point. Well, here's the music video for this song. Fast forward it to exactly 1:01...

This is indeed Barack Obama. He ascribes to the same anti-American ideology as the Black Supremacists and Islamists. He is not a traitor, he is an enemy agent. He is not and never was one of us. His mission is to weaken America by all means possible so that the Islamists can destroy the American way and give America to the Blacks, Mexicans, and Red Indians, who will all pledge their allegiance to the Islamic Caliphate and establish Sharia law. As a true American, I will NEVER allow this to happen. One day, we'll put a boot in their ass and they'll be sorry that they messed with the U.S. of A.